Aircraft are a significant investment regardless of whether it’s a hobby or for work, which is why it’s essential that you have the right storage space for your aircraft. Just like anything, if you leave your aircraft out in the open, it’s susceptible to everything and anything from the weather to UV damage and theft, which can all have a big impact on the usability of your aircraft and can even make it age quicker reducing its lifespan which is not what you want to happen. With the large size of aircraft it’s not like you can just store it in your back shed; you need something large that not only caters to the size of your aircraft but also provides you with wriggle room that will allow you to conduct maintenance and store anything that relates to your aircraft all in the one place, this is where an aircraft hangar can be your best friend.
You typically see the giant aircraft hangars lining the runways and taxiways of major airports all across the world, keeping multi-million dollar aircraft safe and in working order, but these aircraft hangars aren’t just for that. On a smaller scale, they are ideal for the everyday user who isn’t charting long-haul commercial flights. Hangars play a pivotal role in the aviation ecosystem keeping aircraft in working order and ready to fly. Considering the cost of an aircraft hangar you may be thinking is it actually worth the investment? Where here to tell you that it is. Keep reading below to discover why an aircraft hangar is definitely worth the investment.
Types of Aircraft Hangars
Typically, when it comes to aircraft hangars, you have two options to either lease or buy. Leasing a hangar can be a great option for short-term needs, but more often than not may only kind of suit your aircraft. On the other hand, building your own aircraft hangar ensures that it is perfectly tailored to your needs and your aircraft while also giving you a long-term space to keep your aircraft secure. The two most common types of aircraft hangars are box hangars and t-hangars, with each serving a different purpose. Box hangars allow you to store multiple aircraft in one space whereas, t-hangars are specifically designed for one aircraft only, which minimises hangar rash, which is more prevalent when moving aircraft around in a box hangar. With this in mind, each type can also be designed to suit your aircraft and your specific flying needs.
Good Outweighs the Bad
The one disadvantage of aircraft hangars is that they can’t be built anywhere due to regulations and flight paths, which means, in most cases, they have to be built in areas dedicated to airspace, but this is only minor in the grand scheme of things. Like any shed, council requirements can influence your aircraft hangar build. Due to the nature and use of the hangar, these requirements are often harsher than those for a regular backyard shed. But these disadvantages are definitively outweighed by its advantages. Storing your aircraft in a hangar reduces the amount of maintenance required due to the protection it provides, as mentioned earlier, which helps ensure that your aircraft always remains airworthy. There’s a lot of preparation that goes into planning a flight, and having an aircraft hangar gives you a safe, secure space to carry out this task and ensure you are fully prepared for your next flight.
Just like your car, storing your aircraft in a hangar can in some instances, lower your insurance premium, which is always great for your back pocket.
An extra bonus is that aircraft hangars can be used for more than just storing your aircraft within reason. You do obviously have to store an aircraft in the hangar but, along with that, you can create room to store practically anything else and even have space for something like an office or quarters. If you have the height clearance you can also add a mezzanine floor to the hangar, which only further enhances the versatility of the hangar and provides you with even more space for what was mentioned before.
So have we convinced you yet? As you can see if you own an aircraft an aircraft hangar is definitely worth the investment. At All Sheds, we can help you build the perfect aircraft hangar for your aircraft. To discover how we can help you view our range of aircraft hangars.